Legal notices
Saxon State Theatres
Dresden State Opera and Dresden State Theatre
Public enterprise of the Free State of Saxony
[Public enterprise according to §26 VwVSäHO]

Management of the company
Managing Director Wolfgang Rothe
Intendant Staatsoper Dresden Nora Schmid
Intendant Staatsschauspiel Dresden Joachim Klement
Place of business
Theaterplatz 2
01067 Dresden
VAT ID number: DE140135063
Supervisory Board of the Saxon State Theatres
Chair of the Supervisory Board Franziska Brech (Leiterin Geschäftsbereich Kultur und Tourismus im Sächsischen Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus)
Deputy Chair of the Supervisory Board Markus Franke (Abteilungsleiter Kunst im Sächsischen Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus)
The Saxon State Opera Dresden is not legally independent and is not registered in the register of companies. It is the owner of the registered trademarks ”Semperoper“ and ”Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden“.
The Saxon State Opera is member of Deutscher Bühnenverein (German Stage Association), member of Deutschsprachige Opernkonferenz (German Opera Board), member of the initiative »#WOD – Weltoffenes Dresden« and a signatory of the »Erklärung der Vielen«.
Online presence
Contents provided by
Saxon State Opera Dresden
Stefan Wollmann, Marketing and Public Relations Manager (viSdP)
Online editorship
Alanis Lobert
Derek Henderson
Queries and suggestions
David Baltzer, Matthias Creutziger, Erwin Döring, Forster, Klaus Gigga, Daniel Koch, Ludwig Olah, Jochen Quast, Costin Radu, Ian Whalen
Bureau Johannes Erler, Hamburg
Technical concept, editing system and realization
New Image Systems, Berlin
IBH professional IT-Service
Notice of Liability
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