Ensemble und Team

An international ensemble, young talent and experienced staff are at the heart of the Semperoper, making us what we are: One of the world’s leading opera houses. In the following you will learn more about our artists and staff – in front of, on and behind the stage.


Artistic Director Nora Schmid
Managing Director Wolf­gang Rothe

Artistic Director Nora Schmid
Director of Dramaturgy and Communication & Deputy Artistic Director Jörg Rieker
Assistants to the Artistic Director Claudia von der Forst, Catharine Reitzler, Kaja Wolf

Director of Opera Björn Pe­ters
Orchestra Director Annekatrin Fojuth
Artistic Director Semperoper Ballett Kinsun Chan
Company Manager Semperoper Ballett Adi Luick
Director of Dramaturgy and Communication & Deputy Artistic Director Jörg Rieker
Choirmaster Jan Hoffmann
Marketing Director Stefan Wollmann
Tech­nical Director Jan See­ger
Costume Director Ralph Lederer
Chief Make-up Artist Heike Hannemann
Workshop Director Sven Schmidtgen
Business Organization and Deputy Managing Director for the division opera Christin Richter
Sales Director Doris Schneider
DirectorSemperoper Aktiv! Andrea Streibl-Harms

Ensemble, guests & General Artistic Management

Here are brief introductions to the international artists, dedicated ensemble members and numerous guests, who all contribute hugely to our work, both on and behind the stage.

Principal Conductor of the Staatskapelle Dresden

Daniele Gatti

A springboard to the big s­tage

The international Junges Ensemble (Young Ensemble) of the Semperoper Dresden offers highly talented young artists a two-year programme of education and training that includes coaching in voice and acting, role study as well as masterclasses. During rehearsals and performances, the budding artists enjoy direct contact and intensive collaboration with colleagues from the professional ensemble. And, of course, the members of the Junges Ensemble can be heard in performances of the Semperoper, Semper Zwei and in concert. The programme also provides training to répétiteurs and assistant stage directors to help prepare them for their future careers.

Di­rec­tor of Opera Björn Pe­ters
Casting & Deputy to the Di­rec­tor of Opera Hannah Blum
Pro­duc­tion Man­age­ment Susanne Paul, György Budányi
Head of Artis­tic Man­ag­ment Sa­bi­ne Eschwe­ge
Pro­duc­tion Man­age­ment Semper Zwei & Artis­tic Man­age­ment Of­fice Lukas Kober 
Artis­tic Man­age­ment Of­fice Massimo Buonerba, Mareike Zils
Vocal Coach Jo­han­nes Wul­ff-Woes­ten
Soloist Répéti­teurs Paulo Almeida, Alexander Bülow, Piotr Kaczmarczyk, Nathan Raskin, Naomi Shamban, Hans Sotin, Henry Websdale und weitere Beschäftigte
Stage Di­rec­tor & First As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor Alex­an­der Bren­del
Evening Stage Di­rec­tors & As­sis­tant Di­rec­tors Bernd Gierke, Kseniia Khlestkina (Semper Zwei), Emese Szabó, Gunda Mapache
Choreographic Assistant & Stage Director Katrin Wolfram
Prin­ci­pal Stage Man­ag­er Mal­tus Schett­ler
Stage Man­agers Sa­bi­ne Boh­lig, Simon Rothe, San­dra Schmidt
Prompters Alexey Fomenkov, Karen La­la­y­an, Uta Mücksch, Car­men Weber
Head of Su­per­nu­mer­aries Beate Rothmann

Semperoper Ballett

The international artistic team and dancers making up Semperoper Ballett ensure the company’s brilliant reputation both in Dresden and around the world. 

Artistic Manager Semperoper Ballett Kinsun Chan

Company Manager Adi Luick

Ballet Masters Sandrine Cassini
Young Soon Hue-Simon
Jacqueline Lopez

Gastballettmeister*innen Patrick Armand
Yannick Boquín
Isabelle Ciaravola
Cynthia Harvey
Monique Loudières

Principal Pianists Yevgeny Feldmann

Pianists Alfredo Miglionico
Gianmarco Rughetti

Conductors Thomas Herzog
Simon Hewett
Robert Houssart
Georg Köhler
Katharina Müllner
Charlotte Politi

Production & Tour Manager Frank Seifert

Assistants to the Ballet Direction & Production Lydia Holter

Rehearsal Coordinator Henry Kupka

Assistant to the Ballet Direction Michelle Auth

Dramaturgy (ballet) Anna Beke
Julia Bührle

Trainingsleiter MaPP Davide D’Elia

Sächsischer Staatsopernchor Dresden

For over 200 years, the Staatsopernchor (Saxon State Opera Chorus) has been one of the best opera choirs in Europe, in demand both at home and abroad for its peerless ensemble singing.

Der Sächsische Staatsopernchor Dresden im Zuschauerraum der Semperoper


Choirmaster Jan Hoffmann
Deputy choirmaster Jonathan Becker
Chairwoman of the choir board Gabriele Berke
Members of the choir board Heike Wommelsdorff, Holger Steinert
Choir consultant In­golf Stoll­berg-da Silva
Choir­ re­pe­ti­tor Bobin Kim
Office Lena Heringklee
Children’s Choir Claudia Sebastian-Bertsch

Artistic Management

Choirmaster Jan Hoffmann
Assistant to the Choirmaster Bobin Kim


1st Soprano

Verona Balać
Gabriele Forkert,
Marion Friedemann
Elisabeth Michaelis,
Katja Prate

2nd Soprano

Heike Froebel
Laura Hüßner
Ulrike Kothe
Charlotte Kühnel
Beate Patzner
Julia Stoll

1st Alto

Barbara Adam
Dagmar Brauer
Annette Flemming,
Brigitte Hirsch
Corinna Klitzke
Sina Liebmann
Corinna Menz
Freya Petersohn
Friederike Schaible
Christiane Werner

2nd Alto

Katrin Bratke
Claudia Günther
Sira Richter
Heide Schmidt

1st Tenor

Daniel Herrmann
Andreas Küchler
Luis Lay

2nd Tenor

Marian Hanke
Rüdiger Müller
Lukas Seidler
Norbert Unger

1st Bass

Pablo Diaz-Aller
Jens Franeck
Egbert Heller
Jörg Müller,
Thomas Neubert

2nd Bass

Stelios Petrakis
Ingo Trenkmann

Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden

An orchestra steeped in tradition, acclaimed not only at home in the Semperoper but also around the globe – that is the Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden.

Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden



Director of Dramaturgy and Communication & Deputy Artistic Director Jörg Rieker

Dramaturgy Julia Bührle
Dorothee Harpain
Benedikt Stampfli

Assistant Dramaturges Martin Lühr


Marketing Director Stefan Wollmann
Mar­ke­ting Manager & Deputy Marketing Director Sophie Östrovsky
Press officer Semperoper and Semperoper Ballett Oliver Bernau
Online Marketing Manager Alanis Lobert
Social Media Manager Josefine Lippmann 
Communication and Marketing Assistant N.N.
Federal Voluntary Service (BFD) Emma Gängler, Olivia Stadt
Senior Graphic Designer Dorit Osang
Graphic Designer Nora Burkhardt

Director Andrea Streibl-Harms
Music education & Theatre pedagogy  Hannah Kawalek
Assistant to the Music education & Theatre pedagogy Lilly Stritter
Assistant Katrin Dönitz

Managing Director Wolf­gang Rothe
Deputy Managing Director Pier­re-Yves Bazin
Business Organization and Deputy Managing Director for the division opera Chris­tin Richter
Executive Assistant to the Managing Director Franziska Grimm
Personal Assistant to the Managing Director Petra Leißner
Internal audit department N.N.
Digital Transformation Consultant Dan Liu
Sustainability Consultant Diana Neumann
Head of sponsoring for the division opera Andrea Halassy (actori GmbH)

Director Janine Schütz
Employees Katrin Rönnebeck, Gerd Lohse, Elisabeth Telle, Sören Frickenhaus, Ralf Arndt-Vogt

Acting like a collective memory, the Historical Archive documents the artistic past of Saxon State Theatres and their wide-ranging activities. A vivid picture is painted of Dresden’s musical and theatrical life through the centuries by means of programme booklets, playbills, historical photos and many other treasures.

The archive, which is open to the public, is the only such institution in Germany to record a city’s theatrical heritage. By arrangement, users can research the archive themselves at no charge. A processing fee must only be paid for enquiries dealt with by the archive staff as well as for related services. Come and immerse yourself in the history of Saxon State Theatres!

E-Mail historischesarchiv@saechsische-staatstheater.de
Visiting address Ostra-Allee 9, 01067 Dresden (Entrance via Malergäßchen) Please register in advance.

HR Department

HR Director Alies Domaschke
Deputy HR Director Marie Wuschick
Personnel Administrators Ul­ri­ke Bauer, Do­reen Fritz­sche, Cor­ne­lia Kam­prath, Anja Lorenz, Clau­dia Rü­th­rich und weitere Beschäftigte°
Post office°

HR Department

HR Director Alies Domaschke
Deputy HR Director Marie Wuschick
Personnel Administrators Ul­ri­ke Bauer, Do­reen Fritz­sche, Cor­ne­lia Kam­prath, Anja Lorenz, Clau­dia Rü­th­rich und weitere Beschäftigte°
Post office°


Director Sven Born
IT Managers Colin Förster, Peter Gers­ten­ber­ger, Mar­cel Schönfelder, Maik Strohbach

Accounting department

Director Nikolaus Biskupek
Deputy Director Franziska Hensel
Staff Christina Hahn, Annett Jeschke, Franziska Kahls, Viola Kucher, Carola Schubert and further employees°


Director Sven Pe­schel
Staff Annett Laube, Cath­le­en Pfitzner

Legal department

Director Tony Gerasch
Project management/Legal department Sabrina Hofmann
Staff Ma­nue­la Mün­zer, Mariana Schmidt

Sales Director Doris Schnei­der
Deputy Manager Simone Baudisch, Michael Schergaut
Office Petjula Schanze
Cust­o­m­er Re­la­ti­onship Ma­nage­ment (CRM) Mi­cha­el Schergaut, Janett Kipping
System administration Simone Baudisch, Evelyn Brunner
Team Manager Susanne Menz
Subscriptions, Group service, Ticket sales Doreen Augustin, Angela Incampo, Kers­tin Lukas, Solveig Siegert, Fränze Wulf and further employees°
Head of box office Ines Rietz
Box office Beate Schlegel, Tino Standfuß and further employees°
Head of service Thomas Benedix and Heike Jen­sen

Technical Departments & Workshops

Tech­nical Director Jan See­ger
Technical Production Manager Arne Walt­her
Asistant to the Tech­nical Director Sophie Erler
Asistant to the Tech­nical Director/International co-productions Sebastian Weber
Assistant to the Technical Production Manager Lutz Matthes
Head of Construction department Raphael Gwosch
Construction department Frederik Wachau, Frank Schöne and further employees°
Safety and Security Ma­na­ger Tho­mas Knef­fel

S­tage Equipment

Head of Stage Management/Deputy Technical Director Paul Radicke
Technical Dispatcher/Head of stage supervision N.N.
Stage Managers Antje Gruber, Jörg Kraus, Dirk Schmidt and further employees°
Technical Manager Semper Zwei and rehearsal venues/Stage supervision Olaf Lehmann
Deputy Technical Manager Semper Zwei and rehearsal venues Lars Herrmann
Stage Technicians 
Andreas Denk, Frank Becher, Jens Bleul, Jörg Brilloff, Matthias Degen, Thomas Fröhlich, Lutz Gretzel, Frank Henker, Kalle Johannsdotter, Gerald Klaus, Helge Krause, Jens Kühn, Lutz Loose, Bastian Müller, Roland Müller, Timur Müller, Claus Neumann, Olaf Preiß, Karsten Puttrich, Anna Schneidereit, Kay Schüller, Philip Serbin, Sven Thiebel and further employees°

S­tage Machinery

Head of Stage Machinery/Upper Machinery Valentin Klunker
Gerhard Damm, Sandro Dreßler, Heiko Herberg, Uwe Herrmann, Jens Liesche, Marcus Pürschel, Reimar Rabe, Holger Schade, Frank Schmidt, Uwe Schwaar, Lukas Voyemant, Gerd Zimmermann and further employees°


Head/Stage supervision Jörn Kre­ß­mann
Staff Rico Henoch, Andreas Fritzsche, Torsten Rülke, Falk von Ryssel and further employees°

Lighting Design – Sound – Video

Head Fabio An­to­ci
Head of Lighting Supervision/Technical Dispatcher Chris­toph Schmä­di­cke
Lighting Supervisors Sil­vio Bä­ß­ler, Dominik Börner and further employees°
Assistant to the Head of Department/Effects Stefan Böhm
Staff (Lighting Design) PPhilippe Adolph, Erik Buchberger, Thomas Cornell, Martin Dietze, Torsten Eichler, Jens Gemper, Perry Grafe, Leon Kundt, Jörg Schäfer, André Stein, Ursula Strympe, Mario Thiel, Berthold Uhlig, Franz Wagner and further employees°
Py­ro­tech­nics Jörg Steu­er
Sound Engineer Ste­fan Folprecht
Video Engineer Daniel Rentzsch, Erik Resch​​​​​​​
Staff (Sound – Video) Anne Pammler, Dorit Selzer, Clemens Steinhardt and Dirk Zschaler

Props Department

Head Eli­sa­beth Schröter-Kieß
Deputy Head Anna Beck
Property Masters Stef­fi Hil­de­brandt, Anne Pü­schel, Saskia Sachunsky, Kris­tin Schaa­le, Karla Teubel, Sophie Hübner and further employees°

Apprentices Event Engineering

Apprenticeship Manager Karl Garke
3rd year: Marvin Niepel, Jeremias Dittmayer, Janne Julius Schneider, Nathanael Wehner °
2nd year: Leon Dydymski, Julius Freytag, Gustav Heidrich, Oskar Kobalz
1st year:  ​​​​​​Tristan Keller, Yannic Meyer, Markus Löhnert, Henry Nieland

Building Services – S­tage Machinery

Head Peter Hoppe
Information technology°
Mechanical engineering and conveyance°
High-voltage current Andre Pretzsch and further employees°
Heating/Sanitary/Ventilation Uwe Hil­lig and further employees°
Building inspectors Ronny Wagner and further employees°

Chief Make-up Artist Heike Hannemann
Deputy Chief Make-up Artist Sarah Neumayer
Make-up Artists ballet An­net­te Lau, Tho­mas Wag­ner
Make-up Artists 
Sandra Constanza Andrade Hamón, Peggy Decker-Strohbach, Cornelia Fizek, Sophia-Eleonore Freitag, Mandy Gärtner, Claudia Giese, Manja Klesse, Katrin Kluge, Mario Kretschmer, Simone Kroggel, Sabine Marschall, Annett Pülmanns, Lea Stenzel, Maryna Stepanyuk, Manuela Stephan, Susanne Tuma, Ulrike Vogel and further employees°

Workshop Director Sven Schmidtgen
Deputy Workshop Director/Production Manager Staatsoper Mar­tin Borr­meis­ter
Production Manager Scenery workshops Sebastian Schmidt 
Production Manager Staatsschau­spiel Veit Schwarzer
Assistant to the Workshop Director Kerstin Helm
Secretary Lilia Bach­mann
Purchasing Clau­dia Scheun­pflug

Painting room

Head Romy Krüger
1. Theatre Painter Constanze Nier
Staff Danny Buchholz, Jaeyoung Kim, Oliver Koschig, Sven Michalicka, Kathrin Michalicka-Oberländer, Irina Schatz, Sven Schroeder


Head Mario Samm­ler
Staff Friederike Klaue-Frolik, Anna Kö­ge­böhn, Jana Pauke, Mirko Wag­ner and further employees°


Head Se­bas­ti­an Stau­fen­biel
Staff Lutz An­tel­mann, Jörg Bräu­ning, Johannes Deck, Tors­ten De­u­mer, Heiko Haufe, Stef­fen Lie­bert, Stef­fen Marek, Jutta Müller, Marcel Wolf and further employees°

Locksmith’s Shop – Armoury

Head Ralf Seu­rich
Staff Locksmith’s Shop Dirk Osinski-Seifert, Mike Jahn, Christian Liske, Uwe Kühne, Udo Mayer, Hagen To­ma­ny, Mario Weise and further employees°
Staff Sil­vio Kind, Mike Pe­ters, Thors­ten Ku­cher and further employees°
Apprentices Bruno Dietrich

Interior decoration (paperhanging)

Head Rita Seiler
Staff Horst Sei­fert, Diana Clemen, Frank Hent­schel, Steffen Scholz, Monique Wätzig and further employees°
Apprentices Emilia Graichen

Costume Workshops

Costume Director Ralph Lederer
Head of Wardrobe Supervisors / Deputy Costume Director Wiebke Höher
Artistic production manager Staatsoper Frauke Spessert
Assistant to the Costume Director Elke Hart­tung
Material Management Antje Kittner
Administrator Beatrice Dittert
Assistant Anke Par­ma-Hil­le, Janette Lifzik-Piatza, Kers­tin Schmidt-Dun­ko, Re­na­te Thümm­ler and further employees°


Head of Wardrobe Supervisors / Deputy Costume Director Wiebke Höher
Wardrobe Supervisors Kat­rin Haupt, Dominik Raiser, Beate Ray and further employees°
Britta Bauer, Barbara Blaschke, Dagmar Brauer, Roswitha Briesenick, Heike Engmann, Manuela Flämmig, Kirsten Göhler, Petra Görner, Antje Hagemeister, Gabriela Hentschel, Josephin Jahn, Anna-Magdalena Kahle, Janette Lifzik, Neele Löning, Benjamin Müller, Luise Müller, Heidrun Noack, Lena Pieloth, Abdul Qazikhail, Dominik Raiser, Evelyn Rieger, Katja Schilk, Eugenia Schreiok, Angela Schüller, Susan Stein, Melanie Straßer, Nicole Wagner, Luisa Wegner, Christoph Weiß, Clarissa Wulff-Woesten and further employees°
Apprentices Gabriele Bräuer, Helene Ponick and further employees°
Milliners Susann Gersdorf and further employees°


Head °
Shoemakers °
Apprentices Tim Fritzsche

Costume Dyeing

Staff Syl­via Brill­off, Sylke Bie­sold and further employees°

Dyeing – Laundry

Head Ingo Reiß
Staff Ma­thi­as Mack, Petra Beyer, Kath­rin Kie­ß­ling


Wardrobe supervisor Sirkka Neumann
Katharina Adler, Sandra Böhmer, Constanze Braune, Peggy Drechsler, Jane Henke, Julia Hösel, Pia Jung, Silke Kaun, Mina Kaur, Friederike Lea Meyer, Luise Müller, Courtney McDaniel, Felizia Reuber, Susann Thiele, Hanna Ziegler and further employees°
Basic equipment°

Staff Council, Supervisory Board, Honorary Members

Information about various committees and the honorary members of the Saxon State Theatres. 

Local Staff Council of the State Opera

Chairman Gerald Hupach
Deputy Chair Lars Zobel
Member of the Management Silke Kaun and Helge Krau­se
Members of the Staff council Steffen Bursian, Gerald Hupach, Piotr Kaczmarczyk, Silke Kaun, Helge Krau­se, Jens Kühn, Tilmann Rönnebeck, Torsten Schäpan Horst Seifert, Zarina Stahnke, Lars Zobel
Conflict Resolution Officer Helge Krau­se
Equal Opportunities Officer Rico Heller
Disabled Persons’ Representative Horst Seifert, Jane Henke (1st Deputy), Torsten Schäpan (2nd Deputy)
Youth and Trainee Representative N.N.
Assistant Grit Stübing

Staff Council of the public enterprise of the Saxon State Theatres

ChairmanTilo Ebert
Deputy Chairman Jana Hohlfeld
Members of the Management Jens Kühn, Jens Ørsted, Lars Zobel
Members of the Staff council Janine Schütz, Ulrike Huste, Jana Hohlfeld, Tilo Ebert, Gerald Hupach, Jens Kühn, Jens Ørsted, Jörg Reißmann, Hendrik Schletter, Dirk Reinhold, Georg Weber, Lars Zobel und weitere Beschäftigte°
Youth and Trainee Representative Franziska Wingensiefen, Leon Kundt (Vorsitzender), Eric Gärtner
Assistant N.N.

Supervisory Board of the Saxon State Theatres

Chair of the Supervisory Board Franziska Brech
Deputy Chair of the Supervisory Board Markus Franke 

Honorary Members State Opera

Theo Adam †
Hermi Ambros †
Eleonore Elstermann
Senator h.c. Rudi Häussler
Matthias Henneberg
Hans-Joachim Ketelsen
Ilse Ludwig †
Johannes Matz †
John Neumeier
Hans-Dieter Pflüger †
Carola Schwab
Rolf Wollrad †
Jutta Zoff †

° No names mentioned for reasons of data protection (DSGVO)