Jaafar Chalabi is an architect based in Vienna/Austria, was born in Bagdad, Iraq. He started studying sculpture and applied arts in Vienna, where he continued his studies at the University of Architecture and at the University of Mchigan, Ann Arbor USA. Chalabi completed his education at Polytechnical University of Vienna, He also holds a Phd in architecture, his thesis is on Interstitials, architecture and movement. In 1993 he founded together with Talik Chalabi the Chalabi Associates. Since 1996 he has being regularly teaching at the Polytechnic University of Vienna. He also lectures at the ecole speciale d’archtecture in Paris. He has taken part in many congresses throughout the world and has been awarded various prizes in prestigious international competitions among which he received the Benois de la Danse (2000) for the setting of the ballet Multiplicity, Forms of Silence and Emptiness by Nacho Duato. Chalabi associates is also the 1st prize winner for the congress hall at Darmstadt-Germany. From 1999 he starts a regular collaboration with Nacho Duato for whom he has designed the sets to Multiplicity. Forms of Silence and Emptiness (1999), Ofrenda de Sombras (2000) and Txalaparta (2001).